Friday, September 3, 2010


Yes, yes! I'm moving/moved into a new studio!!! Don't worry... not too confusing; I'm just in the suite next door to the old studio. It has been a long process and there's still so much work to be done. But, finally, my computer is set up in the new space on the new countertops; and where my computer is, I am. So you can now look for me at 1601 N. Harrison Ave. Suite 2A!!! I could not, probably would not, have been able to do it without a little help from my friends (and family) Here's to you:

Mom: for painting, hauling furniture, babysitting, etc. Love you.
Eileen Bertsch: for painting, painting, and painting some more! You are the best mother-in-law a girl could ask for.
Dale Bertsch: for installing flooring, and taking on my building projects. Thanks!
Leslie Murphy: for helping me paint and weed & letting me pay you with Subway and movie rentals. You are the most selfless friend I've ever had.
To Krystal Simons, Brianne Bechtold, and Katie Hansen! Thanks so much for coming to my painting party!
And last but certainly not least; to my husband, Adam. Adam works 12 hour days as it is, but in his spare time he was up here helping me. He installed all the flooring himself, painted and hung all the base boards, and finished up some little things I didn't trust myself to do. I am a very lucky gal.

I can't wait for all the wonderful things to come in my new space. I will let you all know when I have the great, big, GRAND re-opening party!

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